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I received the link to this site from a friend who through loud and sobbing made me promise that I look at it, I looked, he was right, 20 minutes after I stopped laughing! ! Cristian are a novel example of Romania! May be proud, you have pointed the finger even winning (if stupidity is that awards). he can be a smart man !!! Brothers, stop this !!! Really !!! You are cabbage !!! Shoot yourself !!! There are thousands like you…ĪditzuCristian! May boy! You really are the best!? Do you mind if I comment myself a bit? Of course the mind but at least I satifactia because at least one person will read my comment)). May you or you do this cool thing or do you really think you are doing something good and useful?!?! Boy, I lost 42:10 minutes of my life, but the laugh afterwards was worth it !!! You are a loud person, you rarely see a man who speaks for so long without saying anything important but only to aberrate… Cristian a tip: If you want to make another comment on something I suggest you document yourself beforehand, who knows maybe you it will be helpful, maybe you will also learn something… what do you say?!? My brother in 42:10 min you failed to show us how much i…. I received the link to this site from a friend who, between laughter and hiccups, made me promise to look at him, I looked, he was right, after 20 minutes I stopped laughing !! ! Cristian you are an example of a Romanian novel !! May, be proud, you can be pointed the finger, maybe even rewarded (if the stupidity is rewarded). Cristian !!! More boys !!! Are you really serious!?!? Do you mind if I comment a little too ? Of course you are upset but at least I have the satisfaction because at least one person will read my comment :))).

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